The dreaded phone call: what to ask when you telephone call an employer about a job

by Dr Amy Bohren

On a Facebook grouping I'k role of, a PhD candidate recently explained that she felt trepidatious well-nigh calling an employer to ask about an academic job she was actually interested in. Let'due south call her Jane. The trouble was that Jane wasn't sure whether her field of research was suitable to the project concerned, but she was quite confident she had the methodological feel they were after. This is a common problem, and to be honest, afterward many years of calling employers to inquire for more information nigh chore ads, I still wish I didn't take to do it. And I'm an extravert. Ok, I'1000 an ambivert. But however.

Why call

The most important office of introducing yourself to a potential employer is to become on their radar. Research into employment interviews shows that although people on pick panels ofttimes believe they're objective in choosing candidates, in fact, findings show they are just human and often cull people they similar and/or who are like them (Rivera, 2015). So by speaking to the contact person, you lot're giving them an opportunity to go to know you, and are already making a improve impression than everyone else who applies, but hasn't taken the fourth dimension to make contact. If the contact person likes y'all and believes (from what you lot've said) that you would be suitable for the job, they volition likely keep an center out for your application and tell others on the selection commission that they spoke to you and were impressed.

Another reason to call is to detect out whether the task really is what you recollect it is. It's of import to remember that job ads are just that – ads. The organisation and managing director are trying to make a good impression and attract interest in the position from highly qualified and experienced candidates. They are too trying to make the job sound interesting, when information technology may not be. Then be sure to set up some questions that probe a chip deeper. You volition want to know the background to the part, whether information technology's new or (tactfully) why the last person left, and what a twenty-four hour period in the part might look like.

Past finding out why the last person left, and asking questions virtually the workplace civilisation or team, you should be able to get a hint about what the management is like. Ane of the top reasons people go out jobs is not related to the job itself, but rather to the management. If the contact person is also the director, having a conversation is a great style to get an inkling about whether yous could piece of work happily with them. Likewise bear in heed that managers besides move on from time to time, and you lot may not stop upward working for the aforementioned person throughout your tenure, so the task will demand to be interesting enough to sustain yous.

Similar Jane, having read the job advertizing and position description, you may not be convinced that you're sufficiently interested and/or whether yous're qualified or experienced to do the task – ultimately, whether or not you should apply. This brings the states back to Jane's question, so the next department provides some applied suggestions.

When to telephone call

If you're like near people, you lot'll exit the telephone call until the last days earlier applications shut. Be enlightened, notwithstanding, that the contact person is likely to be very decorated doing their usual job and fielding enquiries from other applicants, and may not be able to get back to you in time. My proffer would be to call at least a week prior to the job closing, to let them time to go back to you, and this will give you a few days to employ what they've told yous to your application documents. The contact person may as well be travelling for work or unexpectedly on personal leave, and only available via e-mail. So if you lot don't receive a response to your voicemail, be sure to e-mail them likewise, explaining that you left a message and idea e-mail might exist more user-friendly for them. Give them your phone number and ask them to call you in response.

What to say

Take some time to think about what you'd like to ask earlier you call, and write downward your questions, so you recollect them, and be ready to take notes. Then follow these steps:

Introduction:"Hullo, my name is Jane Smith. I'm calling nigh the position of Research Beau in [insert department/discipline] that you advertised online recently."

Be considerate of their time: "Are you able to talk at the moment, or take I defenseless you on the manner to a meeting/lecture?"

Questions:Here are some ideas:

  • Well-nigh your suitability:"I can come across in the position clarification that you're looking for someone with a groundwork in health sciences, and my research focuses on the sociology of wellness, with a specialisation in using grounded theory and private interview methods. More specifically, my thesis focuses on [insert a sentence nearly your thesis topic in easily understandable linguistic communication]." Do you think my background would exist suitable for the role, or are you looking for someone with a wellness promotion/[insert other] background?
  • Nigh the project: "I'd be actually grateful if yous could tell me what phase the project is upward to at the moment. I understand yous've secured funding and every bit part of that have likely prepared quite a detailed project proposal." "Are there whatever detail priorities you'd similar the successful bidder to focus on in the first 3 months of the role, or will this be upwardly to them to determine?"
  • About the team:"Could you tell me a bit more than about the research team? Is the civilization already quite collegial and supportive, or is this something you're working on?"

Of course, there are endless questions yous could inquire. The main indicate is to keep it positive, frame questions from a place of curiosity and if appropriate, inquire follow-upward questions or talk a trivial virtually your own feel. Likewise, don't take up too much of the person's time. fifteen minutes would be a good amount of time to chat. If information technology goes longer than this, say something like "I don't desire to take upward too much of your fourth dimension. I have another two questions, if that's ok?".

Say thank you:"I appreciate you taking the fourth dimension to talk to me." [If you intend to use:] "I'm really excited virtually/interested in the role and I'll exist submitting an application".

Farewell:"Savor the afternoon [or some other pleasantry]. Bye."

Practise I have to call?

You may wonder whether you should bother to call, since you could just electronic mail instead. Whilst an electronic mail would nonetheless make a positive impression, and (if you're lucky) the person might recall your inquiry, it will make a better impression if you phone call. It's also worth noting that y'all're more likely to get access to valuable 'hot knowledge' (Ball & Vincent, 1998) via a telephone chat, every bit you volition have the chance to constitute rapport. Past contrast, in an electronic mail exchange, the contact person is probable to be more formal and less open, because they don't know you and the interaction is in essence, being recorded.

What next?

  • If y'all decide not to apply:That's ok, and good matter you lot constitute out the job wasn't suitable earlier you went to the try of writing an application. If you got along well with the contact person particularly well, yous may wish to add them to your contacts or follow them on LinkedIn or You never know when some other, more than suitable opportunity may arise.
  • If yous make up one's mind to apply: Great! Go for information technology. Exist sure to mention you had a conversation with the contact person in the letter of application.

Regardless of your decision, be sure to keep your notes on the conversation, in case yous later enquire about some other position with the same employer. It will give you insider data or at least a starting point for next time.

All the all-time with it! After a while the procedure does become easier. I'd love to hear about your experiences with making the dreaded phone call – what went well and what was hard? Exercise yous have any communication for others? Yous tin can comment on the Red Careers Facebook page.


With thanks to HG and CB, who provided thoughtful feedback on this mail.