Until We Meet Again Renee Collins Main Idea

Book Review – Until We Meet Again by Renee Collins Until Nosotros Meet Once more by Renee Collins
Published by Sourcebooks, Sourcebooks Burn
Publication appointment: November 3, 2015
Genres: Fantasy, Romance, Young Adult
336 pages
Format: eARC
Source: ARC via publisher

They exist in two different centuries, but their love defies fourth dimension

Cassandra craves drama and take a chance, and so the last matter she wants is to spend her summer marooned with her mother and stepfather in a snooty Massachusetts shore town. Simply when a dreamy stranger shows up on their private embankment claiming it's his own—and that the year is 1925—she is swept into a mystery a hundred years in the making.

As she searches for answers in the present, Cassandra discovers a truth that puts their growing beloved—and Lawrence's life—into jeopardy. Desperate to save him, Cassandra must find a style to alter history…or take a chance losing Lawrence forever.

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Book Review:

Renee Collins' Until We See Again is a immature adult time-travel romance with a unique concept. It'due south the story of two teens who run into despite beingness in 2 separate centuries. Both are at a crossroads in their lives and don't know what they want to do with their futures.

Great Hook. Poor execution.This volume had a actually great concept but the book lacked development, good dialogue, and a clean execution. I'd seen several early on reviews of this ane and was really excited to jump into this book considering, prior to picking upwards this book, I hadn't read a young adult time travel novel before. This book ended up being really disappointing. Permit me explain.

Character Vocalism.In the beginning, Cassandra is all heart-searching and upset because she's forced to spend the summer with her mom and stepdad at their rented summer house in Massachusetts instead of vacationing in France. She tries to intermission into a neighbors' pool but gets defenseless and subsequently grounded. The reason why she decides breaking into the pool is unknown, other than an excuse for her parents to be upset with her, which is convenient for the plot.

I struggled to similar Cassandra. Granted, I know she is a teenager and teenagers make bad choices. Only my problem was with Cassandra'southward voice. Information technology was very exaggerated and lacked subtlety. In the first, she came beyond equally a very whiny teen with a cry for attending. As the novel progressed, I didn't really find her to exist a very compelling character.

Lawrence is from the 1920'south, so the dialect and way of speech is a scrap unlike to our mod ears. I wasn't alive back and so, but I just plant the treatment of Lawrence'due south phonation to be a hokey.

I still can't moving picture this "Internet" and "microfilm" she talks about. Sounds like a bunch of horsefeathers, if you ask me. But she seems to call up information technology can assistance. I suppose I accept no other choice but to trust her.

When the writer tries to brand 1920's dialogue sound accurate by calculation in terms of the twenty-four hour period similar "jalopy", "talkie", and "hooch" but doing null else, Houston we accept a problem.

The Romance.This is a romance volume. When I read a romance book, I desire to be romanced, dang information technology! I felt absolutely cypher between the characters in this book. I moment, Cassandra and Lawrence are discussing modern technology and the adjacent moment they're in dearest, kissing, and expressing how they're meant for one another. I call back the writer wanted to create this epic "love transcends time" kind of love story but that bulletin didn't translate.

Is it pathetic how chop-chop I assign a persona to a complete stranger and so offset imagining what it would be like to fall in love with him?

The Narrative and Dialogue. This book suffered from actually cheesy dialogue and narrative. My feelings on the dialogue was probably exacerbated by the fact that I felt nix for the romance. Because at that place was no romance (in my opinion), all of the confessions of dear came across as being actually over-the-height.

How is information technology that these birds can be together, just Cassandra and I can't?
A conclusion, stronger than anything I've e'er felt, overcomes me. I won't live without her.

If you're a fan of fourth dimension-travel romances, maybe this book will piece of work better for you. Despite its highly-seasoned summary, the story was defective and I didn't relish it like I wanted to.

1 star

* I received a re-create from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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Source: https://readingbookslikeaboss.com/book-review-until-we-meet-again-renee-collins/

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